Hierdie lyfbotter word gemaak met een van ons gewildste geurolies, Serendipity! Die boeiende reuk van druiwe gemeng met jenewerbessies en vanielje sal jou sintuie mal maak! Serendipity Body botter ruik nie net goed genoeg om te eet nie, dit laat jou vel ook glad en bevogtig voel vir tot 24 uur!
Bestanddele: Vitamien E-olie, amandelolie, kristalle en kruie Serendipity-olie, en rou shea-botter.
Serendipity Body Butter
Laat asseblief 5-10 werksdae toe vir versending.
Alle verkope is finaal tensy daar 'n fout namens ons gemaak is. Ons is trots daarop om al ons kliënte gelukkig te maak en ons waardeer building blywende besigheidsverhoudings daarom sal ons dinge regmaak wanneer ons 'n fout gemaak het.
Alle items is sorgvuldig handgemaak met liefde, laat dus asseblief 2-3 extra days toe vir verwerking. Die totale tyd vir verwerking en versending sal 7-10 werksdae wees.
Sweet Almond Oil
- Full of Vitamin E- which is a powerful antioxidant that keeps your skin cells healthy.
- Helps to penetrate hair shaft which promotes a healthy scalp & repairs split ends.
- Treats dandruff and reduces scalp inflammation.
- Add shine to your hair while sealing and protecting.
- Prevents hair loss & promotes hair growth.
- Thoroughly moisturizes your skin & hair.
- Will help to intensify perfume oils if worn together.
- Protects your skin from UV radiation damage while keeping your skin nice and soft.
- Keeps your skin wrinkle-free.
- Rich Source of other Vitamins & Nutrients
- Contains vitamin A, which helps your skin retain moisture and soothes irritated and chapped skin.
- Promotes Clean & Clear Skin.
- Penetrates the skin and cleans out the oil and dirt that accumulates in your pores.
- Helps fight against bacteria.
- Unlikely to clog your pores
Vanilla helps with nausea, weight loss, reduces anxiety & stress, heals wounds & regulates menstruation.
Orange oil is an anti-depressant, natural aphrodisiac and a natural sedative that will calm and relax you.
Sandalwood oil lowers stress & anxiety, and also speeds the healing process of wounds, pimples & spots. Sandal wood improves your memory, relieves pain, helps you sleep and is great for your skin.
Juniper Berries help eliminate excess water retention, which contributes to weight loss. They also relieve pain and inflammation related to rheumatism, arthritis & other health issues.
Grape Oil helps to balance high blood pressure, boosts your immune system and helps to relax the hair follicles which in return will promote hair growth.
Amber Oil can reduce anxiety and stress, pain, inflammation, and muscle spasms. Amber oil can effectively reduce pain, inflammation, and spasms in your body. It also improves cognition, heart health. & helps to boost the immune System.
Amethyst Crystals act as a natural form of stress relief. This crystal attracts positive energy while getting rid of any negative emotions, feelings of stress, anxiety, fear, & depression . Amethyst is recognized as a stone of spirituality. It enhances spiritual awareness and promotes a higher state of consciousness. It’s well known for its ability to calm the mind & helps to inspire an enhanced state of meditation. It helps to develop the ability to think more clearly. It also works deeply on the emotional level to help in building the skill to recognize emotional patterns. Amethyst is also a stone of comfort for those grieving the loss of a loved one.
Forget Me Not Flowers helps to reduce high blood pressure, soothes the nerves and promotes a restful nights sleep. It also boosts hair and skin health